What is your claim to justice?

The murder of Shahzeb Khan and rape of Damini are two recent incidents which provoked everyone to fight for justice. It's good to see everyone such active part to ensure justice, what's sad are the basis of which justice is being claimed.

If murderers of Shahzeb Khan must be punished, because 'You can be next Shahzeb Khan' then should Shia genocide continue because you can't be a victim if you're not a Shia? Is that what explains our silence over Shia killings? A murder is a murder, whether it's by feudal lords or religious extremists, the intensity of the crime remains same. Punish the murderers of Shahzeb Khan, Shias killed and every other person murdered because everyone has a right to life and depriving anyone of it is a crime.

About the rape case.. you see everyone urging people to respect women because they're mothers, daughters and sisters. If you don't respect any men because they're fathers, sons and husbands to someone then why do you need reasons like these to respect women? I am a woman and I forbid you to respect me because I'm someone's daughter or sister. Respect me because I'm a human; I earn my right to be respected by the virtue of being a human. The problem arises when you fail to see a woman independent of a man. Women are not an object of men's pleasure and their only identity is not their relation to men. Women are 'humans' before they're anyone's mother or sister.


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