I used to believe that sexual harassment against women is common in our society because such cases go unreported.

Few recent observations have forced me to change my views. Sexual harassment prevails because no action is taken even when cases are reported, even at reputable institutions.

When a woman reports such a behaviour, the first thing that concerned authorities do is to tell her that how everyone is talking about this incident and that her reputation is at stake. Their next step is to tell the woman that how it's always her fault and she must have given wrong signs due to which the man had the courage to misbehave. They discourage you from carrying the case any further by telling that men always get away with things, it's women who face the consequences.

They question the woman that why did she not do anything on the spot? She is told that she could have slapped the man. She is told all kind of fluff about women empowerment and that she should have taken an action right on the spot. If a student slapped a teacher for this, she'd be expelled right away.Trust me if some woman did so, she would be asked why she reacted and that she should have reported to higher authorities.

They always ask for proof, which a woman can obviously not provide. But worst are the cases where the harasser admits his misbehaviour yet a disciplinary committee sits to tell the woman how she must have enticed the man and that they will make an 'objective' report of the incident and see what can be done.

In times like these you realize the difference between the written policies and applied tactics.

When you are your father's mother :D

A short conversation that I had with my sister before Mothers Day:

Mehak: Sarang and I are going to buy mom's gift. Can you prepare dinner?

Me: Why aren't you going with me? We'll choose the dress together.

Mehak: Should I spoil your surprise? Dad called, he asked us to come and not to tell you. He'll buy your gift and we'll buy mom's. Act all surprised when he comes.

Me: Oh kayyy :D

I'm named after my grandmother so in a way my dad is also my son and he calls me 'Ami'. He came all the way back from Hyderabad for mothers day. I don't only have the best father but also the best son. LOVE YOU DAD :) or for today it should be, LOVE YOU SON <3

First time

It feels so different when something happens for the first time or you do anything for the first time. Obviously there is a first time for all the bad things too and that surely doesn't make you feel any better but I'll stick to talking about the 'first time' of the little things that you won't even notice after a while.

Today, first time my sister came to pick me up from a friend's place. I found it really cute. That 10 minutes drive was not just a drive home, it was a source of the feeling of having a caring elder sister.

Also I wrote my first business proposal today (Yes, almost halfway through my BBA and I wrote my first proposal today! I'm just a little too good when it comes to dodging work :p) After my teacher returns it after checking it might be full of red ink with crosses and comments all over but still I feel happy. So happy that I even told my mother about it and explained what a business proposal is. Such a trivial thing it sounds but I love this feeling of accomplishing a task on your own, doing something that you've never done before.

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Evolution of maths

There was a time when maths was just maths, as we grew up it became arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Then came a time when trignometry and statistics came along but hold on, there is still more! College algebra, linear algebra, statistical inference and what not. Gone are the days when I used to be good at maths. Thanks to all the increasing complications -,-

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Apparently important plans.

When I have two or more events to attend on any day, I end up staying at home. Funny how I feel that I can't miss any of them but miss all of them and honestly, it makes no difference.

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Yes again!

Here is one more blog and I hope it does not become a victim of my habit of creating and deleting blogs. But before I start posting I need to beautify it. That might keep me motivated enough to continue writing.