MQM belives in arresting terrorists within 3 days.

MQM condemned the Abbas Town blast and demanded the government to arrest the culprits within 3 days or it will hold 'peaceful strike'. We all want the terrorists to be arrested and punished yet I cannot help but notice the hypocrisy of MQM. Before 16th February 2013, MQM was the government (God knows what they want to prove by quitting just a month before the term ends).

Where was MQM with it's agenda of arresting terrorists within 3 days when it was in government? Lets keep aside the deadline of 3 days. Were the terrorists ever identified and punished at any point in time? Maybe my memory is bad but all I remember is release, due to 'lack of evidence', of prisoners who confessed to be MQM target killers.

Talking about 2013 only, a report of South Asia Terrorism Portal on terror incidents in Karachi till Feb 24th, 2013 puts death toll at 291 and number of people injured at 153. If we subtract the killings that took place after 16th Feb, that is when MQM left the government, number of people killed is 239 and those injured is 129. What about the culprits behind these incidents? What did MQM do to arrest them within 3 days? Not to forget, we are talking about 2013 only, not the years before that.

Figures taken from:


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